Detail | JW Winco Standard Parts

Inch Size Top Plate Casters Available at JW Winco

We're excited to add to our large line of metric size casters six series of high quality, RoHS-compliant casters with INCH SIZE top plates. The additions are suitable for medium loads, and include fixed and swivel types, optional brakes, and a variety of wheel materials.

New inch size casters include



<link en-us/products/quick-finder?q=po>L-PO / B-PO series of Metric Medium Duty Nylon Wheel Swivel and Fixed Casters</link> and the <link en-us/products/quick-finder?q=pow>L-POW / B-POW series of Pressed Steel Swivel and Fixed Casters with Medium Duty Brackets</link> have been expanded to include inch sizes as well as metric.

To see our full casters and wheels line, visit Section 3.10 Rolling, Transporting with Casters and Wheels of our online catalog.


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