JW Winco’s online catalog now available in French.
For the first time, users can find a range of useful information in French including:
- Complete Product Line with Technical Details
- Downloadable 3-D CAD Models
- Product Pricing & Availability
- Online store, checkout in English
Accessing JW Winco in French/English
Your web browser should automatically direct you to the version of JW Winco’s website that is set to your default language (if it is English or French). You can also access the English or French version by using the links that appear on the top-right hand side of each webpage or by going to the URL https://www.jwwinco.com/fr-ca/home
Content not yet available in French
The checkout process once the customer clicks checkout will be in English. JW Winco’s technical team plans to add the French translation in the near future to the checkout process, standard sheets and other documents.
About JW Winco
JW Winco, Inc. A Ganter Company, is a leading supplier of Standard Industrial Machine Components and Assembly Hardware that also specializes in offering value-added services to engineer, purchasing and maintenance departments. Standard parts are extremely versatile in their application and therefore can offer great opportunities.
JW Winco prides itself on its knowledgeable technical sales associates, who provide assistance with products and applications. Customer service is a top priority. To provide customers with complete solutions, JW Winco also offers secondary machining, special kit packaging, and bar coding.
JW Winco is committed to reviewing and improving the usability and content of our website and we welcome feedback to understand where there is a growing demand to translate specific content. Please send comments to sales@jwwinco.ca